Memorable Moments
Life is full of moments - some memorable, some forgettable. I seek to fill my life with as many moving and memorable moments as possible. I also seek to create and share these types of moments with others. Below are a couple of examples of the moments I have been able to craft in the services at South Ridge Community Church.
Easter Pottery
In Jeremiah chapter 18 God informs the nation of Israel that He desires to form them into something remarkable like a potter does his clay. But if the pot is marred then the potter must break and begin again. After we broke a pot on stage, a potter started forming a new one. After the services were over, another artist formed the shattered pieces into an object of redemption - a cross.

Christmas Elements
We used environmental projection to transform the auditorium from a blank palette into a digital canvas. This transformation allowed pixelated snow to descend indoors and for candles to illuminate the walls. We used an array of modern and traditional creative elements (video, music, drama, art, dance, etc.) to announce the birth of our Savior.

145th Anniversary
God has been transforming lives in and through South Ridge Community Church for 145 years! We celebrated His goodness over the years with a recap video, rocking music, delicious Rita's Ice and lots of balloons.

Live Art
The church has historically embraced and commissioned a wide array of artistic disciplines to bring glory to God. We wanted to continue in this rich history and create memorable services through live art. There is a wonderful parallel between live art and grace - both are public and messy but have a beautiful conclusion.

participatory elements
We try to include as many participatory elements in the services as possible. We believe that truth takes its firmest hold when we move from passive recipients to active participants. This can be a logistic challenge in a large and full auditorium. But if you plan hard, lead well, and rely on the Spirit - powerful moments can happen.