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Coach & Consultant

We all want to win. But sometimes we lack the needed coaching and consulting to accomplish this. I want to coach you onsite or online through current obstacles and help you win. I'll bring my twenty years of ministry into your particular setting and offer time tested solutions for the challenges you face.

I've coached mega churches, church planters and everyone in between. Below are the top areas I specialize in.

  1. Maximizing Church Online

  2. Clear & Compelling Communication

  3. Crafting Moving & Memorable Moments

  4. Recruiting, Releasing & Rewarding Creatives

  5. Launching Multisite Campuses

  6. Planning & Promoting Christmas & Easter

Connect - Connect for a free consultation to determine your goals.

Select - Select a partnership that is best for your church based upon budget and timeline.

Schedule - Schedule meetings and let the fun begin. 

Partnership Options


  • 15 hours over 2 months and is best for multifaceted problems that involve a number of departments or when the underlying system (not just surface symptoms) need to be addressed.

    • Examples: Launching a campus & designing your church online model

2 Week Tune Up

  • 6 hours over 2 weeks and is best for mid level problems that require research on my part and homework on your part. Taking incremental steps over a period of time will ensure no step gets missed.

    • Examples: Planning a holiday service & engaging artists in your church

2 Hour Crash Course

  • 2 hour session and is best when there is a burning fire that needs to be put out or a small modifications for an existing plan, system or structure. It also works for great for blue sky thinking.

    • Examples: Crafting a memorable moment & improving your communication request system

Get your team as much coaching has you can from Ben. He is a developer of leaders and seeks to empower people to craft compelling experiences.

Ben rocks it across a boatload of creative disciplines like videography & live production. He is a creative genius and a leader of leaders. I wholeheartedly endorse him and his coaching.